Skin Brushing

I have started Skin Brushing about two months ago and I have noticed results at the end of the first week. Skin brushing is a method of detoxification and it is very easy to do. You will need a natural bristle shower brush and a desire to help yourself be healthier inside and out. Ideally you would do dry brushing every day before shower (you can bath afterward but not during the process). The trick is to always brush your skin towards your heart. So start brushing at your feet in an upward direction on the ankles, calves and thighs. Move up the hips, then to the arms, and finally to the trunk. You can use a long handle brush for your back (or your partner can help you with that). After brushing your body you should feel refreshed and have a healthy glow.
Try taking alternating hot and cold showers after dry brushing; it is very refreshing and wakes you up in a second.

Benefits of Skin Brushing are:
- Improves circulation
- Enhancement of muscle tone
- Spreading out of fatty deposits (ex.: cellulite)
- Speeds up the rate at which toxins are expelled from the body, because it motivates blood cells and lymph tissue


Adit said...

That was interesting... The Skin brushing idea.. I'd tried it when i started having acne marks on my back, worked in a jiffy...

Anonymous said...

Little but Helpful One!
Back Brush