If you want to lose weight fast this is the way to go. It is not a diet, but a way of living.
The idea behind food combining is to know what food can be eaten with what for a more effective way of digesting. Some foods digest faster than others and also different foods require different digestive enzymes.

When food combining is done properly it will:
- Help your body burn fat more efficiently.
- Ensure maximum absorption of nutrients, enzymes and proteins.
- Prevent burping, bloating, gas and indigestion.
- Help correct or prevent most issues that are connected with obesity.

When you ignore food combining you will:
- Make complete digestion impossible.
- Upset digestive enzymes.
- Prevent nutrient uptake.
- Risk of having: bloating, heartburn, indigestion, malabsorption, constipation, cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence or worse.

There are 4 major groups of food:

Proteins produce acid juices for their digestion. They digest very slowly. This group can be eaten with Group 3.
- Cheese
- Eggs
- Nuts
- Fish
- Meat
- Milk
- Poultry
- Shellfish
- Soybeans, tofu and all soy products
- Yogurt

Carbohydrates produce alkaline juices for their digestion. They digest quickly. This group can be eaten with Group 3.
- Grains, including oats, pasta, rice, rye, maize, millet
- Grain products, cookies, bread, cakes, crackers and pastry
- Honey
- Maple syrup
- Potatoes and starchy veggies
- Sugar and sweets

Non-starchy vegetables can be eaten with group 1 or 2.
- Salads and fresh herbs
- Seeds
- Butter, cream, spreading fats
- Olive oil (cold-pressed)
- Herbs, spices and seasonings

Fruits digest extremely quickly, so must be eaten on its own, at least 30 min away from other food groups. The best way to eat fruit is on empty stomach. Never mix melons with other fruits, because they digest the fastest.
- All fruits!

Food combining:

Grain with dairy or meat = GAS
Fruit with vegetables = GAS
Fruit with meats = GAS
Fruit with grain or dairy = GAS

Fruit by itself = no gas, proper digestion
Grain with vegetables = no gas
Pasta with vegetables = no gas
Beans with vegetables = no gas
Fish or meat with vegetables = no gas
Pulses/beans and grains = no gas
Skin Brushing

I have started Skin Brushing about two months ago and I have noticed results at the end of the first week. Skin brushing is a method of detoxification and it is very easy to do. You will need a natural bristle shower brush and a desire to help yourself be healthier inside and out. Ideally you would do dry brushing every day before shower (you can bath afterward but not during the process). The trick is to always brush your skin towards your heart. So start brushing at your feet in an upward direction on the ankles, calves and thighs. Move up the hips, then to the arms, and finally to the trunk. You can use a long handle brush for your back (or your partner can help you with that). After brushing your body you should feel refreshed and have a healthy glow.
Try taking alternating hot and cold showers after dry brushing; it is very refreshing and wakes you up in a second.

Benefits of Skin Brushing are:
- Improves circulation
- Enhancement of muscle tone
- Spreading out of fatty deposits (ex.: cellulite)
- Speeds up the rate at which toxins are expelled from the body, because it motivates blood cells and lymph tissue
Vitamin K
It is essential for the normal clotting of blood.
And it promotes healthy liver function.

You can find Vitamin K in:
- Dark green leafy vegetables
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Asparagus
- Nettles
- Miso
- Alfalfa
Vitamin E

It is a powerful antioxidant that protects against heart disease, cancer and ageing.
It also improves circulation and helps repair tissue damage.

You can find Vitamin E in:
- Sunflower, hemp, flax and pumpkin seed oil
- Sunflower seeds
- Hazelnuts
- Almonds
- Olives
- Avocados
- Oatmeal
Vitamin D

It is necessary for absorption and utilization of Calcium and Phosphorus.
It is helpful in the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
It also protects against muscle weakness.

* Dietary vitamin D is not as easily absorbed as through sunlight, the most important source.
Take vitamin D supplement in the winter if you feel you don't get outside enough.

You can find vitamin D in:
- Cod liver oil
- Salmon
- Herring
- Sardines
- Trout
- Mackerel
- Tuna
- Halibut
- Eggs
Vitamin C

It acts as an antioxidant; protects the body.
It is necessary for tissue growth and repair, healthy gums and bones.
It is very useful when the body is under stress.
And it helps in absorption of iron.

You can find Vitamin C in:
- Blackcurrants
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Red Pepper
- Strawberries
- Lemons
- Tomatoes
- Goji berries
- Raspberries
- Sweet potatoes
- Peas
- Kiwi fruit
The B Vitamins

It is essential for nervous system.
It is also helpful for digestion, healthy muscle, skin, eyes, hair, liver and brain function.
It is good for stress and mood.
And it is essential for the release of energy from carbohydrate foods.

You can find B vitamins in:
- Eggs
- Whole-grains
- Brussels sprouts
- Asparagus
- Oats
- Fish
- Chicken
- Nuts
- Shitake mushrooms
- Brown rice
- Quinoa
- Sunflower seeds
- Pulses (chickpeas, lentils, aduki beans)
Vitamin A

It is essential for vision, eye health and skin.
It enhances immunity.
It is very important for bone and teeth formation.
It also acts as an antioxidant to help protect against disease.

*Large amounts of vitamin A can be poisonous, particularly to the liver. During pregnancies it should be avoided (but you can continue eat green and orange vegetables and fruits)

You can find Vitamin A in:
- Green and orange vegetables and fruits
- Eggs

You can find Beta-carotenes, that convert into Vitamin A in the body, in:
- Apricots
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Kale
- Peaches
- Papaya
- Spinach
- Watercress
- Mango
- Goji Berries

It is essential for healthy cell division and replication.
It is also important in pregnancy and even before conception; helps to regulate embryonic cell formation, which is vital for healthy development.

You can find Folate in:
- Asparagus
- Barley
- Brewer's yeast
- Brown rice
- Split peas
- Lentils
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Chickpeas
- Spinach

It is essential for water balance.
It is needed for nerves and muscles.
Most people consume too much Sodium through packaged and processed foods, but if you are elderly and take diuretics for high blood pressure you may be deficient.

You can find Sodium in:
- Fish
- Sea Vegetables
- Celery
- Cabbage

If you need to cut down your Sodium intake then avoid:
- Salt
- Stock cubes
- Salted fish
- Soy sauce
- Bacon
- Ham
- Smoked salmon
- Salami
- Crisps
- Tomato ketchup

It is important in the conversion of food into energy.
We need it for blood clotting
It is an essential part of all body cells
The deficiency is rare as it is found in most foods

You can find Phosphorus in:

- Sesame seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Poultry
- Whole-grains
- Fish
- Oats

It acts as an antioxidant; it protects the body from heart disease, cancer and ageing.
It works with vitamin E to help maintain a healthy heart and liver.
It is very important for growth, fertility and thyroid.
And it is good for healthy skin and hair.

You can find Selenium in:
- Brazil nuts
- Sardines
- Broccoli
- Garlic
- Asparagus
- Dulse

It carries oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in your body
It is also required for energy production and a healthy immune system

You can find Iron in:
- Noru seaweed
- Lentils
- Eggs
- Poultry
- Kidney beans
- Dried apricots
- Figs
- Prunes
- Nettles
- Parsley
- Fish
- Beetroot
- Quinoa

It is essential for fertility and healthy reproductive system
It is great for your skin
It is also protects the liver
And protects from free radicals (that promote ageing and disease)

You can find Zinc in:
- Pumpkin seeds
- Sesame seeds
- Poppy seeds
- Nori Seaweed
- Eggs
- Fish
- Chicken
- Brown rice

It is essential for healthy nervous system and regular heart beat
It helps to promote healthy blood pressure
And it works with sodium to control the body's water balance

You can find Potassium in:
- Whole-grains
- Apricots
- Avocados
- Bananas
- Brown rice
- Dates
- Figs
- Nuts
- Pumpkin
- Nettles

It helps calcium to maintain bones health
It is good for heart health
It helps to decrease PMS
Also it is a vital catalyst in energy release

You can find Magnesium in:
- Sesame seeds
- Raw cacao
- Grapes
- Avocados
- Bananas
- Brown rice
- Kale
- Alfalfa sprouts
- Millet
- Almonds
- Hazelnuts
- Watercress


It is essential for keeping your bones and teeth strong and healthy
It is also helpful in preventing osteoporosis
And finally it is important for blood clotting and normal nerve function

*For best absorption of the calcium consume it with magnesium

You can find Calcium in:
- Wakame and Nori seaweed
- Broccoli
- Savoy cabbage
- Kale
- Goat's milk
- Oats
- Sesame seeds
- Figs
- Brussels sprouts
- Romaine lettuce
- Hazelnuts
- Alfalfa
- Pak choi

All about Fiber

All the food that is not digestible is given a Fiber term. Some of the animals can break all these food down, but not humans. We do not have enough enzymes to break it down. It was common to think that fiber is not necessary as it does not provide any nutrients or calories. And that led to eliminating all the fiber from the processed foods that are common in western countries. But eating foods with no or little fiber only leads to obesity, diabetes, constipation, heart disease and many other illnesses.

Fiber is necessary to improve:
-Elimination and transit time through the gut (normalizes bowel movement if you suffer from constipation or diarrhea)
-Blood-sugar control (slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose)
-Cholesterol and blood-lipid levels
-Intestinal function (fiber provides food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut)

Foods full of fiber are: fruits, vegetables, whole grain, nuts, seeds, pulses and legumes, sprouts and sea vegetables.

Everything about FATS

Our body needs essential fatty acids. There are two families of EFAs: omega 3 and omega 6.
The diet of an average person, however, consists of little amounts of EFAs and an excess of saturated and trans-fatty acids that are very unhealthy. All fats are divided into four main groups: Saturated fats, Mono-unsaturated fats, Poly-unsaturated fats and Trans-fats.

Saturated Fats.
These are solid fats: butter, lard and palm oil. They are good for cooking because they do not become damaged when heated. But, when they are used excessively (exception is a coconut oil) they could contribute to weight gain and increase of cholesterol levels.

Mono-unsaturated fats.
These are liquid fats at a room temperature, but could solidify when kept in a fridge. Avocados and olive oil are food sources of mono-unsaturated fats. They are not necessary to our bodies because they can be made in the body from other fats. However, these fats can lower some types of cholesterol and they are good diet additives. When cooking with these fats make sure not to overheat them (maximum heat 325 degrees).

Poly-unsaturated fats.
Poly-unsaturated fats tend to be liquid both in the room temperature and when kept in the fridge. These fats should not be heated! When they are heated they form into trans-fatty acids. These fats are EFAs because our body cannot produce omega 3 and omega 6 on its own. They are essential for brain function and structure, hormonal activity, proper metabolism, cell membrane, and skin, hair and nail health. People who have arthritis and inflammatory skin disorders (eczema and psoriasis) will especially benefit from these fats.

When poly-unsaturated fats have been damaged from the heat they turn into trans-fats. These fats are margarine and shortenings. They are not needed by our bodies at all, in fact they only cause damage to us by blocking the use of the essential acids. Needless to say you should stay away from these fats.

Sources of Essential Fatty Acids.

Omega 3 fats:
Fish (mackerel, salmon, trout, herrings, sardines, pilchards, halibut)
Nuts (walnuts)
Seeds (flax seed, pumpkin seed)
(cold-pressed oils of above nuts and seeds)
Organic eggs
Organic meats
Organic dairy products

Omega 6 fats:
Seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds)
Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews, pine nuts, macadamia nuts)
(cold-pressed oils of above nuts and seeds)

Types of Sweeteners.

A healthy diet should consist of everything, yes, even sweets.
However, don't jeopardize your health by eating the wrong sweets.
Here is a list of all the good, OK and No-Nos sweeteners. Read labels and as much as you can stick with the natural sweeteners.

Natural Sweeteners are the most harmless and healthiest sweeteners to use in your diet.
They are:
Barley Malt
Brown Rice Syrup
Date Sugar
Fruit Juice
Raw Honey
Unrefined Maple Syrup

Refined Sweeteners are OK to use in the small dosage once in a while.
They are:
Brown Sugar
Corn Syrup
Maple Syrup
Sucrose (white sugar)

Artificial Sweeteners / Sugar Substitutes are not in any way good for you. Stay away from those!
They are:
Aspartame (Nutrasweet)
Don't have enough Energy?

Food effects how we feel, and poor diet is a number one reason of low energy.
Check out the list of foods that will boost your energy levels for good.

Sprouts are young green plants that are germinated from seeds. These small plants are full of antioxidants, trace minerals, protein, enzymes and fiber.
You can find sprouts in most grocery stores or you can try sprouting at home. The easiest sprouts to seed for the beginners are: Aduki, Alfalfa, Clover, Green and red peas, Lentils, Radish, Wheat and Mung beans.

Grains are a good energy source as they release sugar slowly and give you a steady flow of energy, instead of a quick rush followed by a fall. Try these grains: Amaranth, Barley, Basmati rice, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Bulgur wheat, Corn, Kamut, Millet, Oats, Quinoa, Rye and Spelt.

Oats are perfect for a breakfast; it will keep you energized throughout the morning. Not only it will give you energy, but it will help keep your blood glucose levels at an even keel to maintain concentration and alertness.

Parsley contains high level of vitamin B12 and more vitamin C than any citrus fruit. That is an interesting fact that your can brag about and use with your next meal.

Seaweed has a high amount of minerals and vitamin B and C. It is also easily digested by our tummies.

Fresh green veggies like spinach, broccoli and asparagus contain Complex of vitamin B, magnesium and iron - energy nutrients. Try to eat them raw whenever you can.

A great fruit that is easily absorbent by the body, giving an instant energy boost. It is also a mild laxative, so can regulate the bowel movement.

Some other energy foods are: flax seeds (make sure to grind them before eating), sunflower seeds, grapes, yams and squashes, and mung beans.

Thanks to "You are what you eat" informative book and Google for the photo.

Follow a simple formula to find out if you are underweight, overweight, obese or normal BMI.

Multiply your weight in pounds by 704 then divide it by the square of your height in inches.

(120 lb x 704) / 65^2 = 84480/4225 = 20

If your result:
below 18.5 - underweight
18.5 - 24.9 - normal
25 - 29.9 - overweight
over 30 - obese
In this article you will find a list of foods that will contribute to your healthy glow and the foods that wipe that glow off of you in seconds.

Good Food.

Raw Fruits and Veggies.
Eating raw means you do not boil, steam, fry, bake, freeze or microwave your food. Fruits and most vegetables maintain their best nutrition value in their original state. They are filled with food enzymes. We need good supply of those to provide us with energy, help us with digestion and balance our metabolism. If you can't eat raw veggies try to steam them for no more than 3 minutes.
And of course, some of the vegetables you have to cook in order for your tummy to digest them properly, like starch veggie - potato.

Good Carbs.
Do not listen to all the diets that say carbs are bad. There are certainly bad carbs (that I'll talk about later on), but carbs that are not stripped of their nutrients are a good choice for anyone (of course in moderation, like everything else). There is no added refined sugar in healthy carbs. Fruits, whole grain breads, grains, rice and veggies contain naturally occurring sugars, which easily and slowly metabolize for balanced brain function, mood attitude and useful energy.

Organic Foods.
Foods that are grown organically are free of chemicals. They are grown in soils that have all the right nutrients and minerals and are not sprayed with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. When you consume non organic foods, you consume toxins that accumulate over the years in your body.

Good Protein.
Vegetables, sprouts, beans and grains are all good proteins that are easily digested and enhancing to the metabolism.

Good Fats.
Fats is in the same bad reputation list as carbs, but once again there are fats that are essential to our body. Good fats are called essential fatty acids (EFAs) and you can find them in foods like: seeds, nuts and avocados. EFAs are important for aiding weight reduction, lowering cholesterol, improving immunity and nourishing reproductive organs, skin, hair and bone tissue.
The body cannot produce those good fats that's why it is important to include them in your every day diet.

Unprocessed Foods.
These foods do not contain any chemicals or other additives. Read labels on food packages, some of them still contain foods in their original state.

Bad Food.

Overcooked Vegetables.
The problem that most of us has is that we are used to cook everything for a very long time, that the end result becomes mushy. By doing that we kill all the good stuff that there is in the veggies. As I suggested earlier if you must cook your veggies, steaming is the way to go (not more than 3 minutes).

Bad Carbs.
Now stay away from these carbs as much as you can. And I know it is super hard, I used to eat chocolates, cakes, cookies, candies and any other stuff that is made with refined sugar or flour. Refined rice isn't good for you either. In the process of refining these foods lose their minerals and vitamins. So when they enter your body they act as pure sugar, rushing through your bloodstream causing mood swings, depression, anger and irritability. Too much of bad carbs and you'll end up having too much body fat. Over the years this life style could lead to diabetes.
If you are like me and can't leave without your sweets and treats, try organic dark chocolate or make your own whole wheat cookies or cakes, substitute your sugar with honey/fruits/dried fruits. Enjoy!

Non-organic foods.
These fruits and vegetables are sprayed with chemicals and grown in the lifeless soil with minimum amounts of minerals. If you don't have access to the organic products the least you can do is to peel all your fruits and vegetables before eating them.

Bad Protein.
For people with bad digestive system it is extremely hard to digest bad protein. All the dairy products are on the bad protein list. Dairy product produce mucus, in fact it is the most mucus producing product. Some people have allergic reactions to milk, such as: asthma, congestion, runny nose, skin rush, eczema, fatigue and irritability.
I am used to eating dairy products since childhood, if you are like me, try goat's milk (easier for human body to digest) and goat cheese. Also try non dairy milks: rice milk, soy milk(make sure its organic) and other grain milks.
Meats are bad protein as well because it is very hard for our body to digest them. The main reason of it being extremely unhealthy for us is that meat these days contains large amounts of toxins in it. Non organically grown cows and chickens have antibiotics in them and also not enough nutrients and minerals because they are kept indoors all the time. So all those toxins that the animals are exposed to are stored in the fat tissues. If you must eat meat, try eating smaller portions with a lot of raw vegetables on the side. If you can find organically raised meats on the market, even better!

Refined Foods.
Fast food, frozen dinners, bakery and other products that contain refined sugars and flours fall under Refined foods category. This type of food does not have any nutrition value. These foods are filled with additives and preservatives to give them a longer shelf life. Having a diet full of refined products causes depression, exhaustion, constipation and of course wight problems.

Many thanks to "You are what you eat" by G. McKeith and Google for the article's photo.

I do not know anyone that is a good friend with those awfully annoying buggers. The main thing to remember is that pimples are there for a reason, and no, its not to punish you because you told a white lie. All your pimples are trying to tell you that something is abnormal going on inside you. So next time you'll see one don't spend all that money on creams and cleansers (although some of them do help to a degree), but spend some time on improving living accommodations for your organs.

Pimples on the Forehead.
Oh how many of us dealt with those. To clear your forehead from pimples make sure you take care of your Intestinal Area. Research and use some cleansing methods for your colon, like psyllium husks or enemas.

Pimples on the Cheeks.
These ones would indicate that something is wrong with your Lungs and Breast Area. In this case you should consider to avoid as much as you can red meats, saturated fats and dairy products.

Pimples on the Nose.
This one in particular many have problems with, including myself. Pimples on the nose mean that Heart Area needs some work. Eating barley grass (1 teaspoon a day) and drinking 2 cups of hawthorn tea daily should do the trick.

Pimples on the Jaw.
Kidney Area is devoted for these pimples. Eating quinoa and drinking dandelion tea are excellent choices for you.

Pimples on the Shoulders.
Taking digestive enzyme supplements with your meals and drinking 1tbsp of aloe vera juice before your meals will improve your weak Digestive Area.

Pimples on the Chest.
To help your Lung and Heart Areas drink mullein and ginkgo biloba teas. You can also take coenzyme Q10 supplements.

Pimples on the Upper Back.
Lung Area can be strengthened with avoidance of dairy and sugar products. Including herbs in your diet, such as: basil, cayenne, fennel, garlic, mullein, and peppermint. Celery juice and mullein tea is great for you too. Try to avoid eating peanuts and peanut products.

Pimples around the Mouth.
Agnus castus herb as a supplement (twice a day) will help your Reproductive Area.

I would like to thank "You are what you eat" for a great info and Google for a perfect photo.

One of the ways to understand what is going on inside of you is to simply look at your tongue.
A healthy person would have a tongue that is pale red with a very thin layer of white film. The tongue should not have any cracks or grooves, and should not be extremely dry or extremely moist. If your tongue is not as perfect that means your organs are crying for help.

Crack in the middle.
If you have a crack in the middle of your tongue and it does not go all the way to the tip that means you have some problems with your digestive organs and stomach.
Some of your symptoms might include: feeling bloated and sleepy after your meals, and overall having little energy through out your day.
Some of the suggested foods that will help your stomach with digestion are: Artichoke, Avocados, Carrots, Millet sprouts, Rice, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Yams, Teas/herbs (fennel, peppermint, licorice). Try eating more soups, stews and blends; they are easier to digest.
Avoid drinking fizzy drinks and avoid drinking anything during your meal times.

Teethmarks around the sides.
If you have teethmarks on the sides of your tongue that means your body is deficient in nutrients. It is a very common problem that indicates that you have problems with digestion and your spleen.
Yous symptoms would include: bloating and gas.
Some foods that would improve your spleen are: Yellow squash, Kidney Beans, Alfalfa, Lychees, Barley, Beetroot, Oats, Carrots, Celery, Chicken, Pumpkin, Root Veggies, Fish, Sweet Potatoes, Leafy Greens, Garlic and Cinnamon.

Sore Tongue.
If you have a sore tongue most likely you are deficient in the following: Iron, Vitamin B6 or Niacin.
Try drinking Nettle teas that contain many minerals.

Burning Tongue.
If you have burning tongue your stomach is deficient in gastric digestive juices.
Drinking dandelion tea twice a day is suggested.

Swollen Tongue and White Coating.
These symptoms are indicators that there is too much mucus in your body.
Avoid dairy products, because they are mucus producing foods.

Horizontal Cracks and Grooves.
If you have this tongue it means you have malabsorption, which means your body cannot absorb nutrients properly. You might also be deficient in Vitamin B.
Your main symptom would be lack of energy.
Your diet should consist of foods that are rich with food enzymes.

Yellow Coating on your Tongue.
If you have yellow coating on your tongue it means you do not have enough of healthy bacterias in your body. If the coating is only at the back of your tongue it means you have problems with your colon.
Suggested teas are: Sage tea and Camomile tea.

Many thanks to one of the informative Gillian McKeith's books and Google for a perfect photo.

So we have discovered earlier that regular fruits and veggies (non-organic) do not contain a large amount of vitamins. And if your diet does not consist of regular intake of raw fruits and vegetables, most likely your body does not get enough of nutrient goodies. Vitamins is the first thing that you would think of getting in order to maintain your health. However, there is a "tiny" part that you should look at when buying your vitamins. Are they natural or synthetic?

Let's start by looking at Synthetic vitamins. Most of the vitamins that you would see on the shelves of your supermarket are synthetic. They are produced by chemical reactions and that is why they do not contain all the micro-nutrients that the natural vitamin would have. Human body cannot utilize about 50% of the synthetic vitamins. And on top of everything else some people are actually allergic to those synthetic products. Now here is the best part that will make you think twice before buying vitamins - many synthetic vitamins are made out of COAL TAR derivatives. Is that something that you think your body would approve of? Think of smokers (if you smoke-shame on you!), they get throat cancer cased by this COAL TAR!!!

Now, how do we tell them apart? We need to learn how to read ingredients. Be careful, even if the label says 100% organic, still read the ingredients because it is not always the case. If you will see "dl" on your vitamin package, leave it, it is synthetic. Letter "d" on the other hand means natural.

Here are some sources of vitamins that are natural, co-natural and synthetic:
Vitamin A
Fish Oil - Natural
Lemon Grass - Co-natural
Acetate, Palmitate and if source is not given - Synthetic
Vitamin B - Complex
Brewers Yeast - Natural
If source is not given - Synthetic
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Yeast - Natural
Thiamine Mononitrate and Thiamine Hydrochloride - Synthetic
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Yeast - Natural
Riboflavin - Synthetic
Pantothenic Acid
Yeast, Rice Bran and Liver - Natural
Calcium D-Pantothenate - Synthetic
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Yeast - Natural
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride - Synthetic
Vitamin B12
Liver - Natural
Micro-organism fermentation and Cobalamin Concentrate- Co-natural
Yeast - Para-aminobenzoic Acid - Natural
Aminobenzoic Acid - Synthetic
Folic Acid
Yeast and Liver - Natural
Pteroylglutamic Acid - Synthetic
Soy Beans - Natural
Reduced from Corn - Co-natural
Liver - Natural
d-Biotin - Synthetic
Yeast - Natural
Niacinamide - Co-natural
Niacin - Synthetic
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Citrus, Rose Hips, Acerola Berries - Natural
Ascorbic Acid and if source is not given - Synthetic
Vitamin D
Fish Oil - Natural
Irradiated Ergosteral (Yeast) and Calciferol - Synthetic
Vitamin E
Veg oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Mixed Tocopherols, d-alpha tocopherol - Natural
dl-alpha tocopherol - Synthetic
Vitamin F
Essential Fatty Acids - Natural
Vitamin K
Alfalfa - Natural
Menadione - Synthetic

Many thanks to an article on "Natural Vs. Synthetic Vitamins" for informative info and google for a vitamin picture!

Limited Nutrients and Minerals in the Soil.
With today's agriculture it is easy to grow pretty looking vegetables, fruits and grains. Not a lot of farms let the soil rest and regain proper nutrients and minerals. This is why farmers use fertilizers. Fertilizers help plants grow by providing them with a few main nutrients. However, plants need so much more than just those nutrients, so within few months of growing they start to get weak and all kind of insects start attacking them. That is when pesticide comes in handy. So the point of the story is that not only do we not get enough nutrients and minerals through most of the non-organic vegetables and fruits, but we also consume large amounts of pesticide. The scary part is that most of us are unaware of that.
Become a careful consumer; visit your local farmers market or find an organic produce section in your store. If none of these are the choice for you, peel whichever fruits and veggies that you can. Support a healthy way of living!

PS: I found this amazing photo on google; just so no one will sue me...


I am h
appy to introduce you to my newest baby blog - Health and Nutrition. As the blog grows, you will find all the information about staying healthy and active with the right foods and supplements.

*If you are trying to make a drastic change in your diet and lifestyle please consult your doctor and nutritionist first*