One of the ways to understand what is going on inside of you is to simply look at your tongue.
A healthy person would have a tongue that is pale red with a very thin layer of white film. The tongue should not have any cracks or grooves, and should not be extremely dry or extremely moist. If your tongue is not as perfect that means your organs are crying for help.

Crack in the middle.
If you have a crack in the middle of your tongue and it does not go all the way to the tip that means you have some problems with your digestive organs and stomach.
Some of your symptoms might include: feeling bloated and sleepy after your meals, and overall having little energy through out your day.
Some of the suggested foods that will help your stomach with digestion are: Artichoke, Avocados, Carrots, Millet sprouts, Rice, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Yams, Teas/herbs (fennel, peppermint, licorice). Try eating more soups, stews and blends; they are easier to digest.
Avoid drinking fizzy drinks and avoid drinking anything during your meal times.

Teethmarks around the sides.
If you have teethmarks on the sides of your tongue that means your body is deficient in nutrients. It is a very common problem that indicates that you have problems with digestion and your spleen.
Yous symptoms would include: bloating and gas.
Some foods that would improve your spleen are: Yellow squash, Kidney Beans, Alfalfa, Lychees, Barley, Beetroot, Oats, Carrots, Celery, Chicken, Pumpkin, Root Veggies, Fish, Sweet Potatoes, Leafy Greens, Garlic and Cinnamon.

Sore Tongue.
If you have a sore tongue most likely you are deficient in the following: Iron, Vitamin B6 or Niacin.
Try drinking Nettle teas that contain many minerals.

Burning Tongue.
If you have burning tongue your stomach is deficient in gastric digestive juices.
Drinking dandelion tea twice a day is suggested.

Swollen Tongue and White Coating.
These symptoms are indicators that there is too much mucus in your body.
Avoid dairy products, because they are mucus producing foods.

Horizontal Cracks and Grooves.
If you have this tongue it means you have malabsorption, which means your body cannot absorb nutrients properly. You might also be deficient in Vitamin B.
Your main symptom would be lack of energy.
Your diet should consist of foods that are rich with food enzymes.

Yellow Coating on your Tongue.
If you have yellow coating on your tongue it means you do not have enough of healthy bacterias in your body. If the coating is only at the back of your tongue it means you have problems with your colon.
Suggested teas are: Sage tea and Camomile tea.

Many thanks to one of the informative Gillian McKeith's books and Google for a perfect photo.

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